. . . , . ; . : . " . ' . * . / . - . + . iran . persian . farsi . joke . nature . poem . picture . smoke . english . german . foreign . longue . gestik . & . mimic . spoken . long . kurosh . zardosht . indien . rom . hafez . khayyam . najaf . qom . afghan . tajik . baluch . lor . darya . kavir . khalij . khor . jemal-barzi . jirofti . pofet kerdam, niofti ...
Mittwoch, Mai 31, 2006
Dienstag, Mai 30, 2006
Samstag, Mai 27, 2006
Donnerstag, Mai 25, 2006
Sonntag, Mai 21, 2006
Devil Suicide
بر اساس اين گزارش وي به روزنامه آلماني تاگس اشپيگل گفت كه كشورهاي حوزهي خليج فارس را براي ترغيب ايران به ترك غنيسازي اورانيوم تحت فشار قرار ميدهد
وي در اين مصاحبه گفت: كشورهاي حاشيهي خليج فارس ميتوانند حتي به طور روشنتري بگويند كه حكومت ايران بايد در راستاي منافع همه خاورميانه تضمين كند كه كشمكش با جامعه جهاني بيش از اين افزايش نمييابد. اشتاينماير كه امروز در ضيافت شامي با شيخ محمد صباح السالم الصباح، همتاي كويتياش ديدار ميكند، ادامه داد: موضعگيري روشن در برابر خواستهاي هستهيي ايران توسط كشورهاي همسايهاش، پيامي روشن را مبني بر آن ميفرستد كه اين كشمكش ميان غرب و ايران نيست
بر اساس اين گزارش، اشتاينماير هم چنين از موضعگيري شوراي همكاري خليج فارس عليه برنامهي هستهيي ايران در ماه اخير استقبال كرد
بر اساس اين گزارش، مارتين يگر، سخنگوي وزارت امور خارجه آلمان گفت كه اشتاينماير كه در صدر هياتي تجاري سفر خود را آغاز كرده، علاوه بر ايران موضوع تامين بلندمدت انرژي، عراق و وضعيت فلسطين و اسراييل را با مقامات كشورهاي شوراي همكاري خليج فارس مورد بحث قرار ميدهد
Freitag, Mai 19, 2006
Mittwoch, Mai 17, 2006
along with Mithra and Rashnu
... Verethraghna confounds the glory of this house with its wealth in cattle. He is like that great bird, the Saena; he is like the big clouds, full of water, that beat the mountains...
49. Zarathushtra asked: 'What is then, O Ahura Mazda! the sacrifice and invocation in honour of Verethraghna, made by Ahura, as it ought to be performed in the perfection of holiness?'
50. Ahura Mazda answered: 'Let the Aryan nations bring libations unto him; let the Aryan nations tie bundles of baresma for him; let the Aryan nations cook for him a head of cattle, either white, or black, or of any other colour, but all of one and the same colour.
... For his brightness and glory, I will offer unto him a sacrifice worth being heard; namely, unto Verethraghna, made by Ahura. We worship Verethraghna, made by Ahura, with an offering of libations, according to the primitive ordinances of Ahura; with the Haoma and meat, the baresma, the wisdom of the tongue, the holy spells, the speech, the deeds, the libations, and the rightly-spoken words...
Dienstag, Mai 16, 2006
Montag, Mai 15, 2006
Sonntag, Mai 14, 2006
(4&1) + 6 = 7
برای وی قبای ترمه دوختمتفنگ دسته نقره م داد و بیداد
فرستادم برایم پس فرستاد
ای نازنین، ای نازنین! در آینه ما را ببین
Samstag, Mai 13, 2006
Donnerstag, Mai 11, 2006
Mittwoch, Mai 10, 2006
Dienstag, Mai 09, 2006
Montag, Mai 08, 2006
Samstag, Mai 06, 2006
from Sao Paolo
Freitag, Mai 05, 2006
Donnerstag, Mai 04, 2006
Hormozd Yasht
7. Ahura Mazda replied unto him: 'My name is the One, of whom questions are asked, O holy Zarathushtra!'My second name is the Herd-giver'My third name is the Strong One 'My fourth name is Perfect Holiness .'My fifth name is All good things created by Mazda, the offspring of the holy principle.'My sixth name is Understanding;'My seventh name is the One with understanding.'My eighth name is Knowledge;'My ninth name is the One with Knowledge.
8. 'My tenth name is Weal;'My eleventh name is He who produces weal.'My twelfth name is AHURA (the Lord).'My thirteenth name is the most Beneficent.'My fourteenth name is He in whom there is no harm.'My fifteenth name is the unconquerable One.'My sixteenth name is He who makes the true account.'My seventeenth name is the All-seeing One.'My eighteenth name is the healing One.'My nineteenth name is the Creator.'My twentieth name is MAZDA (the All-knowing One).
9. Worship me, O Zarathushtra, by day and by night, with offerings of libations well accepted I will come unto thee for help and joy, I, Ahura Mazda; the good, holy Sraosha will come unto thee for help and joy; the waters, the plants, and the Fravashis of the holy ones will come unto thee for help and joy.